16 March 2023 – The aims and current achievements of the Erasmus+ project NEMOS were successfully presented during a special session at the 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (INTED2023), celebrated on 6-8 March 2023 in Valencia, Spain.
Held on 7 March under the theme Towards a New Educational Model of Sustainability (NEMOS), the session gathered representatives from all the university partners in the project who offered an overview of their experiences and the techniques adopted in their path towards integrating sustainability in food-related degrees.
Chair of the session and coordinator of the NEMOS project, María J. Cantalejo Díez from the Public University of Navarra (Spain) presented A Practical Approach to Define the Sustainability Profile of Students: The Community Building Methodology, illustrating the collaborative process promoted by the NEMOS consortium to actively engage all the different actors in the food sector.
Sami Ghnimi shared the study conducted at the Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Rhône-Alpes – ISARA (France) on the Definition of the Sustainability Profile of the Students that explored students’, lecturers’ and stakeholders’ perceptions and attitudes towards sustainability.
Technological University Dublin’s Pathway to Embedding Sustainability in Food Degrees, NEMOS and Beyond presented by Julie Dunne, highlighted existing barriers to sustainability and key food-related sustainability concepts useful to inform a review of food degrees and as identified by TU Dublin (Ireland).
Sabrina Tomasi’s contribution on Promoting Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability Skills Development in Food-Related Degrees: The Case of the University of Pisa (Italy) focused on the implementation of a challenge-based learning (CBL) approach for students to propose feasible solutions to their community stakeholders.
Finally, Michael Murkovic from Graz University of Technology (Austria) explained how Service-Learning is a Chance for the Students to Widen their Knowledge and Experience in Sustainable Technologies, and explored opportunities for community service in the food industry.
The annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation – INTED is a renowned global educational conference which allows lecturers, researchers, technologists, and professionals from the educational sector to share their expertise about teaching and learning methodologies and to present their projects. INTED2023 brought together more than 700 delegates from 70 different countries (source: https://iated.org/inted/).
About the NEMOS Project
The NEMOS project acknowledges sustainability as an increasingly crucial skill for graduate and post-graduate students to tackle important global challenges such as climate change, food waste and the loss of biodiversity in their professional future. Therefore, the project aims to define a new educational model to integrate sustainability competences in the curricula of food-related degrees by means of service learning.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, the NEMOS project is led by the Public University of Navarra and includes the following consortium partners: Technological University Dublin (Ireland); Technological University Graz (Austria); Rhône-Alpes Higher Institute of Agriculture (France); University of Pisa (Italy); and IGCAT.
More information at www.nemosproject.com